Colorectal CAncer (CRC) Screening 101

Enhancing Healthcare Provider CRC Screening Knowledge

Working to improve healthcare provider knowledge of colorectal cancer screening guidelines, risk factors, and equitable patient communication.

The Course

Amplify your expertise with fundamental knowledge of CRC screening practices & guidelines.

About the Course

Course Description

This course is for primary care providers and healthcare teams seeking to increase their knowledge about about colorectal cancer (CRC) screening and guidelines, including risk, incidence and mortality rates, and equitable patient communication.

Course Benefits

Improved CRC screening outcomes by understanding CRC progression and screening, and effectively communicating with patients about the importance of on-time CRC screening and proper bowel preparation.

About Us

This course is a collaboration of these caring organizations.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) serves Coloradans by providing public health and environmental protection services that promote healthy people in healthy places. The Colorado Comprehensive Cancer Control Program at CDPHE implements Policy, System and Environmental changes across the cancer continuum for primary prevention, screening and early detection and survivorship. 

The Colorado Cancer Coalition (CCC) is a statewide, nonpartisan, multidisciplinary, coalition providing education, networking, best practice sharing, and partnership opportunity for those working in oncology care and support. They are dedicated to fostering neutral dialogue to improve cancer outcomes in Colorado. The CCC also helps Coloradans prevent cancer, detect it early, and enhance the quality of life for survivors and caregivers by providing education, resources, and advocacy opportunities.

Catch It In Time is a non-profit that brings storytellers and other creatives together with the opportunity to raise awareness for the early detection of cancer. Using video and other creative storytelling methods, they distribute survivor stories across a broad network to drive awareness about the early detection of cancer, innovative research, and cutting-edge treatment options available today. They firmly believe that increasing awareness of cancer symptoms, screenings, and treatments can help save lives.

Should you have any questions about this course please email Karryn Christiansen at

Boosting Provider Knowledge of Colorectal Cancer Screening

Learn about the latest CRC screening guidelines, risk assessment, and equitable patient communication for informed healthcare providers.